March 20, 2013

The Journey Continues... 11.12.13

Save the date and please join us on 11.12.13 for our next event;

What makes this so unique is not the date but the theme of the evening;  Sharing An American Story. 

Most you know that we established the General George S. Patton Scholarship of Honor in Plzen, Czech Republic.  It is awarded during the Liberation Festival every May, which celebrates the liberation of their city by General Patton in 1945.   

Thanks to foundation board member, Bob Nueske and a commitment from Fox 11 News in Green Bay, a 30 minute documentary will be produced after this years celebration on the city, its citizens and Brian's Foundation. 
Bob felt everyone in our country should have a chance to learn about the sacrifice of the American solider and how much the citizens of Plzen, Czech Republic still appreciate, care, and love Americans to this day.  
11.12.13 will be the premiere viewing of this documentary.